TMS Publication - 'Scaling the Heights'

14 November 2018

Ever since Hugh Munro drew up his Tables, there has been an interest in checking the heights of hills, not least by Munro himself using a pocket aneroid.

With the advent of satellite GPS technology, precision has greatly improved. The Munro Society embarked on an eight year programme of measuring some of the more ‘marginal’ Munros, Munro Tops and Corbetts.

The first two chapters of the book cover the creation of the Tables and the changes that have taken place over the years. The subsequent chapters describe how the Munro Society decided to take action to establish the heights of many of these ‘marginal’ mountains. The science behind using satellites to determine the heights of hills and mountains, together with the rigorous procedures demanded by the Ordnance Survey (OS) before it accepts revised heights, are described.

The book includes contributions from people who took part in the Heightings programme and it finishes with a chapter on the many hill lists which have followed on from Munro’s original one.

It is a fascinating account of the history, science and practicalities of ‘measuring the mountains’.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book please contact The Munro Society at The cost of the book is £12.00 (plus postage and packing).