TMS Policy on the Protection of Scotland's Mountain Landscape

7 March 2020

At the Munro Society AGM in 2019 a new policy document was proposed, which would allow the Executive Committee to act on behalf of the membership in response to requests for TMS to make submissions on major developments affecting Scotland's mountain areas. The document was subsequently circulated to the membership and was overwhelmingly endorsed by them. The policy was therefore adopted by the committee and is detailed below.


The Munro Society Policy on the Protection of Scotland's Mountain Landscape

Introduction: The Munro Society (TMS) was formed in 2002 with membership open to anybody who has climbed all 282 Munros (separate mountains over 3,000 feet) in Scotland as designated in Munro's Tables published by the Scottish Mountaineering Club. TMS currently has over 300 members thereby representing a body of mountain walkers who, in total, have climbed around 1000,000 Munros. TMS is, therefore, qualified to comment on matters pertaining to the Scottish outdoor scene and particularly the mountain environment and wild land as identified in the Society's first objective: "To provide an informed and valued body of opinion on matters affecting the Munros and Scotland's mountain landscape."

TMS & Renewable Energy Developments: TMS recognises the need for a diverse energy mix in Scotland. It acknowledges the Scottish Government's commitment to utilise renewable resources to generate the equivalent of 100% of Scotland's gross annual electricity consumption by 2020 and that a large proportion of this load will be provided by harnessing wind and hydro power. TMS believes that, when properly controlled and regulated, these renewable resources can be used and developed for the benefit of the people in Scotland without seriously degrading the environment in which they live. In this TMS fully supports Mountaineering Scotland's vision that "Scotland's mountains and remaining wild lands should be treated as an irreplaceable natural, cultural and economic asset - respected and safeguarded for the benefit of all." In order to protect this fragile environment, TMS believes there must be rigorous management of the construction and maintenance of developments including renewables and other mountain activities such as sporting estates, forestry and all associated tracks.

When Will TMS Comment on Developments?: TMS was not established to monitor planned developments nor is it resourced to. However, the Society does feel it is incumbent upon itself to act (including making written submisiions) on behalf of its membership on:

  • Emerging legislation in the Scottish Parliament, particularly Planning legislation, on protecting the mountain environment and wild land areas. This includes ensuring that communities and those who make use of the mountain environment for walking and climbing have rights of appeal on challenging planning decisions.
  • Emerging legislation in the Scottish Parliament, particularly Planning legislation, on applying tighter control of the construction of developments including the specifications for vehicle tracks, structures etc.
  • Specific planning applications which TMS believes could have a major adverse impact on the mountain environment and wild land areas.
  • Supporting measures aimed at enhancing and restoring the wild land qualities of damaged landscapes.
  • Highlighting obvious breaches of planning conditions on development sites.
  • Highlighting examples of best practice in the construction of developments. 

In pursuit of these TMS will engage in productive collaberation with other bodies that share its agenda of valuing Scotland's mountains and wild land areas.


The Munro Society     April 2019