The AGM took place at Birnam Arts Centre on Saturday 6th April 2024.
Photo is of the new President and Honorary President and was taken by Charles Murray
33 members and three guests were present.
The President, Alf Barnard, opened the meeting by welcoming all present and reported the sad news of the death on 4th March of the Honorary President Robin Campbell. Robin had been instrumental in the founding of the Society in 2002 and had been its Honorary President since the start. He had joined the SMC in 1962 and was a Past President. He has been the Editor of the SMC Journal between 1965-1975. His death was a significant loss for the Society. However, Iain Robertson, another leading light in the founding of the Society; Secretary from 2002 to 2004, Vice-President until 2006, and President until 2008 was delighted and honoured to take over the Hon Presidency if that was the wish of the members. It was. Iain Robertson's appointment was unanimously agreed. There was discussion as to how best the Society might commemorate its first Honorary President. Ideas included the re-naming of the Hon President title or the Annual Dinner or the award of annual trophy to someone for significant contribution to the Society or the wider mountain community. Members, especially those who knew Robin Campbell, are asked to forward any suggestions of their own to the President:
Alf continued with a summary of the year's activities and events and gave particular thanks to those members of the committee who were retiring: Alan Rowan, Dave Gibson, Keith and Di Williams. He also acknowledged the huge contribution over ten years made by the Newsletter Editor Derek Sime who will have been responsible for thirty Newsletters when the 61st edition is published in the Summer. He had also been the Editor for the Society's Journals 1-6. No small achievement.
Five years since its launch, the Munro Legacy Exhibition (MLE), has been refreshed thanks to the skills of Norman McNab. It has been on displat at the Macrobert Arts Centre in Stirling University, the Carnegie Library & Gallery in Dunfermline and most recently in Arbroath Library. Special thanks were due to Alan Watt for arranging the display venues and then organising for the mounting and dismantling of each display ably assisted by TMS members: Bill Taylor, Derek Sime and Ian Munro. MLE will continue to be displayed at Scottish venues until mid 2025.
The drafting of a new constiution had taken up considerable committee time during 2023. A vote was taken later in the meeting which was unaninously in favor of adopting the new constitution. Combined with the postal/email votes received by the Secretary by 1st April, the motion was approved. Members can request a copy of the new constitution by emailing the President or Secretary.
Those new members who had offered to serve on the committee were roundly thanked. Three new members were voted on to the committee: Shona Marshall, Andy Wightman and Maggie Kift. Any members interested in serving on the committee is asked to contact the President or the Secretary. The President finished by wishing his successor a successful term of office.
The Secretary, Anne Butler, gave a report on the meets held in 2023: Mull, Strontian and Glencoe. All had been fully booked and much enjoyed by all those who attended. Meets for 2024 were planned for Drumnadrochit (May), Inchnadamph (July) and Arran (September). The Annual Dinner would be held in Grantown on Spey again this year - at the Grant Arms Hotel on Saturday 26th October. Opinions would be sought soon for meet venues in 2025. Membership numbers currently stood at 332.
The Treasurer, Oliver Bartrum, presented the Statement of Account for 2023 and a forecast of income and expenditure for 2024-25. The 2023 accounts had been independently inspected were found to be an accurate record of the Society's finances for the year. Toral income had been £20,888 and exenses were £20,667. It was recommended, and agreed, that members' subscription for 2024 should be kept at £30.00 with a due date for payment of 1st May. It was also agreed that the new Treasurer would look into possible Direct Debit payment options to faciliate the collection of annual subscription payments.
The TMS webmaster, David Fraser, gave a report on the TMS website. It was agreed that better prominence would be given to the application procedure for new members.
The Archivist, Bill Wheeler, gave a report on the Society's archive at the Bell Library in Perth. Some archive items might be highlighhted in future Newsletters to drawn members' attention to the collection held in the Library. Bill gave notice of his intention to hand over as Archiviist in April 2025.
The Mountain Reporting (MR) Coordinator, Jim Roberston, reported on the entries made to the MR datbase over the last year. Jim was standing down as the MR Coordinator and was thanked for all his work during his time as MR Coordinator. Shona Marshall, the most active current contributor to the database, had kindly volunteered to take over was thanked by all present for taking on the role.
The following Office Bearers for 2024 were elected:
President: Oliver Bartrum
Secretary: Anne Butler
Treasurer: David Campbell-Kelly
Vice- President: It was agreed that the post would remain vacant for the time being
Committee members were reappointed/appointed as follows:
Phil Massey (re-appointed), Keith Mathieson (re-appointed), Shona Marshall (appointed), Andy Wightman (appointed) and Maggie Kift (appointed)
On behalf of all present, the Secretary thanked the retiring President, Alf Barnard, for all his work over the last two years. The Society was in a healthy state and well placed for continuing its activities in, on and off the Scottish hills and mountains.
The President closed the meeting at 12.00 noon.
After Lunch there was a Mountain Quiz organised by Bert Barnett and a talk by David Jarman on "The Stalkerpath Phenomenon".