Betty: Shona Marshall

Lugnaquilla, 28th August 2022

After compleating her Munro round, Betty headed south to Wales at the end of June 2022 to tick off the 15 Furths there over 3 days beginning with Elidir Fawr. In mostly fine weather, although Snowdon was cloud covered, she particularly enjoyed Crib Goch as there were several mountain goats up there!

Betty England

She then caught the 6 English Furths over another 3 days on the way home, although the weather was not as kind, with only Helvellyn giving any views.

Betty Wales

In August she travelled to Ireland only to be met with a strict ‘No Dog’ policy on all of the Furths there, with the exception of Lugnaquilla, which she climbed on the 28th August 2022.

Betty Ireland

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